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Our Ethos & Culture

“Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing” - Theodore Roosevelt.

We are building a dream team – A dream team is one in which all members are extraordinary at what they do. This is rare due to the hard tradeoffs required to create and maintain it. We believe that a great work environment arises when a dream team pursues ambitious common goals that are worthwhile. Being on a dream team means pushing yourself to be the best, and caring intensely about the success and wellbeing of your teammates. Unconditional allegiance to a mediocre company, or to a merely adequately performing employee, is not what we are about.


As a startup, we have opportunities in many different fields. Our internship program offers compensation, unparalleled access to a breadth of operations, and the chance to transition to full-time employment down the road. We want hungry people who are enthusiastic about the unique opportunity to join Hammerhead. Our internships are chances to get in at the ground level of a company with an enormous scope of goals—goals that will completely reshape our industry—and we want you to be a part of achieving them.

Different job title?

If you are someone who makes things happen, someone who has a lot to contribute and someone who is eager to join Hammerhead, please feel free to get in touch with us. We’re always looking for great people to join our mission.


As a startup, we have opportunities in many different fields. Our internship program offers compensation, unparalleled access to a breadth of operations, and the chance to transition to full-time employment down the road. We want hungry people who are enthusiastic about the unique opportunity to join Hammerhead. Our internships are chances to get in at the ground level of a company with an enormous scope of goals—goals that will completely reshape our industry—and we want you to be a part of achieving them.

Different job title?

If you are someone who makes things happen, someone who has a lot to contribute and someone who is eager to join Hammerhead, please feel free to get in touch with us. We’re always looking for great people to join our mission.